Green Screen vs. LED Wall for Unreal Engine Productions (Part 2)

This post continues our limited series on the topic "Green Screen vs. LED Wall for Unreal Engine Productions." We hope XR and Unreal Engine production creatives will benefit from this series. To see the previous post, please click here: Part 1

2. Multi-Camera Recording. Unreal Engine XR productions utilizing the LED wall approach can film only single-cam. This limitation is due to the fact that the computer rendering the LED background needs a specific point of reference to which the background will be rendered correctly. When multiple cameras are added, the LED wall cannot physically render for two different camera reference points, as it cannot accurately “look” into two lenses at once. The L.A. Castle Studios cyclorama approach utilizes a 1:1 virtual system to camera ratio. This unique pairing enables the system to render a separate angle of viewing for each camera utilized in the production. This allows for cameras to be positioned anywhere on the set and recorded simultaneously with total reality. Sitcoms, feature films, talk shows, host wraps, interviews, and more all benefit from a multi-camera setup. At L.A. Castle studios, a multi-camera configuration is readily available and optimized with both cameras and lenses.

Thanks for reading. Check back tomorrow for the next post in this series!


Green Screen vs. LED Wall for Unreal Engine Productions (Part 3)


Green Screen vs. LED Wall for Unreal Engine Productions