Press Junket Sets — L.A. Castle Studios.png

Press Junket Sets

Customized with on-set style interviews, or scenes from the production, or network logos!


Recreate the scenes of your film or TV show. 

L.A. Castle Studios has developed a patent-pending technology that allows our clients to recreate scenes from your TV show or film, complete with extras, crew, etc., right on our stage. This allows for press junkets to be filmed at the convenience of the talent, on our stage, with the latest in news and updates, long after filming has actually wrapped. Your talent will feel like they’re right back on set and, if you mention networks, stations, and hosts by name, the recipients of your junkets will love it because their audience will assume that you were thinking of them right on set — and you were! Utilizing our patent-pending technology including extras, crew, etc., requires a small amount of filming to take place on set before wrapping your production so please let us know early if you would like to utilize that our technology. If the production has wrapped already, no problem! We’ll find or create a set that looks very similar to the set where the TV show or film takes place. Either way, you’ll leave the studio with junket segments that you, the press, and their viewers will love. 


TV Talk Show or News Set Junkets.

L.A. Castle Studios has developed a technique that comes close to guaranteeing maximum exposure for your press junkets. Here’s how it works. When they arrive, your talent will find themselves “at home” and comfortable in our gorgeous facility. On our stage, your talent will read from our best-in-the-industry teleprompter system as they mention networks, stations, and hosts by name. As your talent is mentioning particular networks, stations, and hosts, the L.A. Castle Studios crew will change the images and videos in the set behind the talent to match the network, stations, and hosts in sequence. Those networks, stations, and hosts love to hear their names mentioned particularly, and this guarantees maximum plays of your talent and content. Trust us on this; we’ve been in the TV business for a long time and we have a lot of experience in maximizing air plays. 

Each talk show or news style set will be customized with images and video from the TV show or film that your talent is promoting. We can even change images and video live to match segments with exactly what the talent is describing at that particular time. 

No other method for producing press junkets comes close to the beautiful look you’ll receive at L.A. Castle Studios. Contact us for a tour and demo of our press junket sets and method.