I Was Stumped By a Question

While Unreal Engine virtual production is popular now, and getting more popular by the month (to the point that many experts believe that this will soon be the way almost all productions are shot), L.A. Castle Studios has been a pioneer in the industry, doing virtual production since 2008.

So sometimes we think we have all the answers.

However, the other day I was stumped by a question. I really didn't know how to answer it.

A well known celebrity, who has hosted a talk show here, brought over some high school kids for a tour. Just like with seasoned producers who visit us for the first time, when these high schoolers walked onto the empty stage and were transported to other worlds -- a spaceship, a Tokyo back alley of the future, a basketball arena, a game show set, a snowy forest, a backyard with a pool, ancient Rome, and then the talk show set from which the celebrity does his show -- they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

When the kids looked into the on-set monitors, they were seeing themselves transported to all these worlds, with total reality. They didn't have to be pros to instantly understand that this is a better way to shoot TV shows and movies. And they had one question that I couldn't answer.

The question? "Why doesn't everybody shoot this way?"

And I didn't know how to respond. As I stumbled and bumbled to come up with something, in my mind I knew that this is a more realistic, more environmentally friendly, easier, and less expensive way to shoot than spending millions building real sets or trying to shoot in actual locations.

So that's the one question to which there's not a good answer -- why isn't everybody shooting here?


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