Thoughts From An Intern Post #2

To finish my first week, I was able to spend Thursday and Friday completing different kinds of tasks. The day was filled activity. The first and most important of these tasks was to give tours of the facility to potential clients. Brooks is manager at the studio; therefore, he is typically the one who conducts these tours and he was more than willing to let me observe the process. It was interesting to hear about each person’s vision for their show, commercial, or creative video. For example, one client might want to shoot a talk show about sports, while another might want to create a series of short videos for a social media campaign. I began to see the endless possibilities, especially considering the level of technology that we have at our disposal. The objective of the tours is to showcase everything that L.A. Castle Studios has to offer. 

I also had the opportunity to observe Brett while editing on Final Cut Pro X. As an editor, I am experienced only on Adobe Premiere and Sony Vegas, so watching him work in Final Cut felt foreign. However, I quickly began to see the similarities between the systems. Later, I was able to try my hand at editing a short video and spend the rest of my afternoon experimenting with it. It was nice to be back behind the computer cutting clips. There is a huge contrast between production and non-production days; yet, there are things that I love about each. 


One Studio — One Video — Seven Very Different Locations


Thoughts From An Intern Post #1