Tilting Up -- Amazing Technology for Standing Sets

Traditional talk show and sitcom sets limit camera movement, especially for shots that tilt up. Why? Because studio lights are present above each set, and tilting up would reveal those lights, breaking the reality of the shot — especially on a sitcom. But what about standing sets at L.A. Castle Studios? Whether it's for a talk show, live sitcom show, game show, or even a full-length feature film, our standing sets allow full camera movement.

In the attached video, look at what happens when our jib operator tilts up. You see not the lights of our studio, but a kitchen atrium with a tree blowing in the wind. If you were to construct this home at any other studio in Burbank, it would be impossible for you to see a ceiling and the sky like this.

Now one small portion of our Italian Village set. Again, when our jib operator tilts up, you see the sky. Even though the actor is actually standing indoors.

Over to our warehouse set. Filming in a traditional warehouse would involve a very complicated lighting setup — which of course we have running on stage, but when we tilt up, you don’t see our real lights. You see the lights of the warehouse just as they should be. This can lead to some very cool shots that are impossible in a real warehouse.

One more example for you — Over to our space station. Again, when my jib operator tilts up, you see the ceiling of the space station. Our actor is still on our same stage in Burbank, but he sees himself in the space station and you see him there too. This space station is huge. It would take a million dollars or more to build. We have it for much less and it’s just as, if not more real than if it were really built on any other stage in Burbank.

Now I know you think this is bogus, but we invite you to our studio for a free tour and live demo of our amazing technology and show you in person, what this blog post is about. Give us a call at 818-861-7317.


Thoughts From An Intern Post #1


Shadows: The Great Equalizer